Friday, June 1, 2012

Let Me Pencil That In

See here is the deal. I am a fly by the seat of my pants kind of lady. I love spontaneity. Where the fun is, that is where I want to be. If I get a whim to go on a drive or head to Starbucks, I’m in the car in 5 minutes. But as we all know, little ones aren’t as fluid. They need structure. There are these crazy things called snack times, naps and quiet time-go figure!
I fought against making a daily schedule for our boys for some time. I would try it here and there, but would never stick to it for any length of time.  The different age-stages were partly to blame but just sitting down to make the schedule seemed overwhelming. However, after some whining fits and too many requests for TV time, I began to feel frustrated and wanted a solution.
So, I thought, why not? I’ll give it a shot. If God himself was on a 7-day organized schedule for Creation, then maybe there is something to this whole thing.
I caved, went to Target and bought a white write board (with cute flowers on it of course, there has to be some estrogen in this home) and sat down with the boys to make our family schedule. A few things came out of this experience:
  1. The boys were thrilled to be a part of the planning and give their input.
  2. Starting the first day, they were reminding me what was next.
  3. It helped save my sanity and didn’t leave time for boredom and the shenanigans that occur in those lulls.
  4. When issues of TV watching, going outside or fighting nap came up, I just had to say 3 words, “Check the schedule.” And…drum roll please, there was no arguing or disputes. Zero, zip, nada.  I didn’t have to say yes or no. THE SCHEDULE said yes and no. And although they may have been a bit disgruntled in the moment, I was shocked how easy they accepted it and moved on to the next task.
  5. When their grandparents came a few weeks later, the first thing they wanted to show them–the schedule. They took pride in their structure.
Creating a family schedule has been an epic discovery in the Meador house.
Do we stick to the schedule every day? No. Do we still live spontaneously and do fun things? Yes. But our schedule gives us all a map for our days. It has become a welcomed guide in our household, cute flowers and all.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanks Living

I have to say, I am quite the sucker for the holiday season. There is something about the music, the candles, the weather, the cozy fires, hot drinks, the extra added effort that everyone puts out during the holidays that inspires me.

Today as I'm contemplating the obvious things I am grateful for, the thought hit me, I should work on my Thanks Living!  It's so easy in stretching times to focus on what we don't have: the lack of money, how we need a vacation, the need for more...but here is the catch, it never seems to be enough if we focus on what we don't have. But, when we take the time to really survey and value the things we do, it has a dramatic effect on our outlook.

I've realized some of things that I am most thankful for are the unexpected moments and blessings in my life. The times when you experience beauty in the little things or through the actions of others. So my challenge to myself is this, how can I show others their value in the little things this holiday season? Sharing my thankfulness by blessing others.

Every year it seems, around this time, someone in front of me ends up purchasing my Starbucks. I get to the window expecting to pay and the barista tells me that someone bought my drink for me. It makes my day and being the sap that I am, I drive away a little teary eyed. I call these moments my "I see you" moments; ways God shows me He sees me, loves me and cares through someone available enough to take the time to show kindness. And, the amazing effect is that it inspires me to look for ways to do the same for others.

So how are we going to pay it forward this Thanksgiving? In what little ways can we show our thankfulness?

Some fun ideas:
*Write your family and friends spending the holiday with you a quick note telling them a memory that you are thankful for that you have shared together.

*Randomly send someone flowers or a small gift this week that they wouldn't expect with a card saying "Just b/c you're you! I'm thankful."

*Take 2-3X5 cards and write something we are thankful for on one card and a memory we are grateful for on the other, and share it at dinner. Have fun guessing who wrote what and share why that has so much meaning for you.

I think the greatest mistake when it comes to thankfulness is that we don't express it enough. So I'm challenging myself to do two things, slow down enough to notice more and express that thankfulness in the moment. Positivity and gratefulness are contagious and inspiring. This holiday season, I'm excited to practice a little more Thanks Living!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Black Friday: Beware of Toy Blockers

For the past two years, my husband Noel and I have dragged ourselves out of bed before sunrise on the day after Thanksgiving to head to the local Black Friday sale at Target. It is quite the scene. Everyone stands civilly in line waiting for the clock to hit 4am and suddenly, this line of seemingly normal, calm individuals turn into ravenous banshees on a mission. Really the humor and spectacle of it all is worth a trip down to your local shopping center, just to witness the festivities and pure unadulterated frenzy. But I must admit, I too feel the "got to get a bargain" hypnosis come over me.

What is it about a deal? Especially for us women? And as you will note, 90% of the crazy people waiting to shop in the pitch black of night after just hours earlier consuming half their weight in turkey and pie...are women. Nothing stands between us ladies and a deal.

My virgin year at Black Friday, I had a bit of a run-in.

At this ungodly 4am hour I hurriedly struggled to get through the crowd and get the MegaBlocks set my little boys had been wanting (at 60% off mind you). That is when it happened. I met her, my nemesis, the aisle blocking momma. She stood "oh so sweet" with her baby in her cart and left it to block an entire aisle of the best toys.  There was no thought to the other 100 people trying to get in and get their treasures.  I watched as she left her newborn baby (with said cart still blocking the aisle) and strutted down to begin grabbing loads of MEGABLOCKS off of the shelf. Of course! It had to be the one toy my little guys had hoped for... (Deep Breath)

This was not a casual, forgetful mom in a hurry, this woman was using her baby to Toy block the rest of us. I stood and watched as person after person stood frustrated and waiting for her to move her cart.  The crowd began to push through, jostling this little baby too many times to count. (Deep Breath) I'd had it. With that I grabbed the cart, pushed it right up to the woman, and said quite pointedly (and yes, I was proud), "um, forget something." She looked at me with the innocence of a toddler that just did the very thing you told them not to do and darn well knows it.

Then we were off, grabbing our toys and making Christmas happen a month early and the excitement and sheer thrill could be felt. Not only were we getting a deal, we were shopping early. If we were female gorillas we would have been beating our chest. These mommas were feeling good!

With MegaBlocks in hand I started to walk, or shuffled b/c the crowd was thick like bees headed to a hive, toward the register. And as I began walking, BAM!

If you have ever been walking and had the uncomfortable experience of having someone step on the back of your shoe, thus scraping your ankle, you know this is a less than welcome moment. But, have you been hit by a shopping cart in the back of the ankle?

"OOPS," I heard from behind me.

I screeched in pain and turned to see what crazy person had just rammed me...and oh yes, it was HER--the Momma Toy Blocker. She said sorry, with the sincerity of a back handed slap, and I turned around to continue my trek toward the Promised Land, the cash register. Grace can be had for the accidental bump, but when OOPS happened 5 more times in 5 minutes--my patience was wearing more than thin. I have only been to Yoga a few times but those deep breathing techniques were coming into full play as Momma Toy Blocker continued to hit my legs like a jackhammer on concrete. And the worst part, I highly suspect it wasn't on accident, after all I was the one that foiled her evil plan to rid my town of all 60% off MegaBlocks.

Within moments, I was there. I had made it to the register. MegaBlocks in hand and bruises to show for it. Anger in check and ready to check out.

So, if you plan on heading out to hit the big sales on November 25th, I hope you have learned from my story. Moms, beware of the Momma Toy never know when or where she may show up and remember to take lots of deep breaths.

To find out about your local Black Friday deals, go to This will give you time to get your list together and go in with a game plan. I have found the best deals at Target and Toys R Us.

(WARNING: Toys R Us is pure insanity. Its like going to Hot Yoga with no water, wearing a parka and sweat pants with Rebecca Black's "Its Friday," playing over and over...just want to prepare you for what you are in for. But. there are some great deals).

**Look at an ad and make a list of the specific items you are getting. Don't plan to "shop." Its a pointed and specific venture. This is a savings war people, get your game face on. Black Friday is not for shopping sissies.
**Go with a partner and divide and conquer. 1 person will have to focus just on the toys.
**Don't 2nd guess, buy it and return it later. Buy multiples if you think there is even a remote chance someone you know would want it. The worst feeling is wishing you had purchased something and it being too late. Plus, if you go closer to Christmas you will be paying 30-60% more without the discounts--don't give yourself delayed purchase remorse.
**Wear comfortable shoes!!!!

So Out and About Moms, are you brave enough to face the Toy Blockers this upcoming Black Friday?  

Happy shopping! Can't wait to hear about your adventures...

Out and About Mom Launch

Welcome to my blog, Out and About Mom!

So, everyone and their dog (and for some literally their dog) has a I thought what the heck, time for me to jump on the wagon.  This blog will be about my experiences in marriage, family and life in general with some humor and helpful tips added in. From funny stories, shopping and money saving tips, my lessons learned about family and marriage to recipes and stories from my wild and crazy life as the only female in an all boy promises to be entertaining and eventful. My hope is that this blog will be a place for those of us that are Out and About making things happen to come and have a place to connect and share. I hope you enjoy it.