Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanks Living

I have to say, I am quite the sucker for the holiday season. There is something about the music, the candles, the weather, the cozy fires, hot drinks, the extra added effort that everyone puts out during the holidays that inspires me.

Today as I'm contemplating the obvious things I am grateful for, the thought hit me, I should work on my Thanks Living!  It's so easy in stretching times to focus on what we don't have: the lack of money, how we need a vacation, the need for more...but here is the catch, it never seems to be enough if we focus on what we don't have. But, when we take the time to really survey and value the things we do, it has a dramatic effect on our outlook.

I've realized some of things that I am most thankful for are the unexpected moments and blessings in my life. The times when you experience beauty in the little things or through the actions of others. So my challenge to myself is this, how can I show others their value in the little things this holiday season? Sharing my thankfulness by blessing others.

Every year it seems, around this time, someone in front of me ends up purchasing my Starbucks. I get to the window expecting to pay and the barista tells me that someone bought my drink for me. It makes my day and being the sap that I am, I drive away a little teary eyed. I call these moments my "I see you" moments; ways God shows me He sees me, loves me and cares through someone available enough to take the time to show kindness. And, the amazing effect is that it inspires me to look for ways to do the same for others.

So how are we going to pay it forward this Thanksgiving? In what little ways can we show our thankfulness?

Some fun ideas:
*Write your family and friends spending the holiday with you a quick note telling them a memory that you are thankful for that you have shared together.

*Randomly send someone flowers or a small gift this week that they wouldn't expect with a card saying "Just b/c you're you! I'm thankful."

*Take 2-3X5 cards and write something we are thankful for on one card and a memory we are grateful for on the other, and share it at dinner. Have fun guessing who wrote what and share why that has so much meaning for you.

I think the greatest mistake when it comes to thankfulness is that we don't express it enough. So I'm challenging myself to do two things, slow down enough to notice more and express that thankfulness in the moment. Positivity and gratefulness are contagious and inspiring. This holiday season, I'm excited to practice a little more Thanks Living!

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